Cable Scarf Pattern 02 - Twin Celtic

40 stitches
Row 1 (RS): K4, p3, (k4, p7) twice, k4, p3, k4.
Row 2: K3, p1, k3, (p4, k7) twice, p4, k3, k1, k3.
Repeat rows 1-2 5 times.
40 stitches
Row 1 (RS): K4, p3, 2/2 LC, p7, k4, p7, 2/2 LC, p3, k4.
WS rows: K3, knit the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches, k3.
Row 3: K4, p3, k4, p7, 2/2 LC, p7, k4, p3, k4.
Row 5: K4, p3, 2/2 LC, p6, 2/1 RPC, 2/1 LPC, p6, 2/2 LC, p3, k4.
Row 7: K4, p1, 2/2 RPC, 2/2 LPC, p3, 2/1 RPC, p2, 2/1 LPC, p3, 2/2 RPC, 2/2 LPC, p1, k4.
Row 9: K4, p1, k2, p4, 2/2 LPC, 2/1 RPC, p4, 2/1 LPC, 2/2 RPC, p4, k2, p1, k4.
Row 11: K4, p1, 2/1 LPC, p5, 2/2 LC, p6, 2/2 RC, p5, 2/1 RPC, p1, k4.
Row 13: K4, p2, 2/1 LPC, p3, 2/1 RPC, 2/1 LPC, p4, 2/1 RPC, 2/1 LPC, p3, 2/1 RPC, p2, k4.
Row 15: K4, p3, 2/2 LPC, 2/1 RPC, p2, 2/1 LPC, p2, 2/1 RPC, p2, 2/1 LPC, 2/2 RPC, p3, k4.
Row 17: K4, p5, 2/2 RC, p4, k2, p2, k2, p4, 2/2 LC, p5, k4. (fixed)
Row 19: K4, p3, 2/2 RPC, 2/1 LPC, p2, 2/1 RPC, p2, 2/1 LPC, p2, 2/1 RPC, 2/2 LPC, p3, k4.
Row 21: K4, p2, 2/1 RPC, p3, 2/1 LPC, 2/1 RPC, p4, 2/1 LPC, 2/1 RPC, p3, 2/1 LPC, p2, k4.
Row 23: K4, p1, 2/1 RPC, p5, 2/2 RC, p6, 2/2 LC, p5, 2/1 LPC, p1, k4.
Row 25: K4, p1, k2, p4, 2/2 RPC, 2/1 LPC, p4, 2/1 RPC, 2/2 LPC, p4, k2, p1, k4.
Row 27: K4, p1, 2/2 LPC, 2/2 RPC, p3, 2/1 LPC, p2, 2/1 RPC, p3, 2/2 LPC, 2/2 RPC, p1, k4.
Row 29: K4, p3, 2/2 LC, p6, 2/1 LPC, 2/1 RPC, p6, 2/2 LC, p3, k4.
Row 31: K4, p3, k4, p7, 2/2 LC, p7, k4, p3, k4.
Repeat rows 1-32 13 times, ending on row 2
2/2 LC: Slip 2 sts to cable needle and hold in front, K2, then K2 from cable needle.
2/2 RC: Slip 2 sts to cable needle and hold in back, K2, then K2 from cable needle.
2/1 LPC: Slip 2 sts to cable needle and hold in font, P1, then K2 from cable needle.
2/1 RPC: Slip 1 st to cable needle and hold in back, K2, then P1 from cable needle.
2/2 LPC: Slip 2 sts to cable needle and hold in font, P2, then K2 from cable needle.
2/2 RPC: Slip 2 sts to cable needle and hold in back, K2, then P2 from cable needle.